Sunday, March 30, 2014

A MAN ... SUCH AS YOU ...  If we didn't post this link, you'd have assumed the blog went on hiatus: the cast of HIMYM went Inside the Actors Studio, and NPH and Jason Segel were asked if they could perform a certain song again.

[Added/related: Hugh Jackman on BBC Radio yesterday, doing Wolverine: The Musical.]

I don't have any particularly strong thoughts about the end of HIMYM other than to note that I think Lost gave too many other showrunners (and networks) the idea that shows should have a particular ending in mind, as opposed to just providing a premise and seeing how things flow naturally. Delaying the MYM this long has frustrated fans, led to a lot of wasted half-hours, and leaned too often on the show going sitcommy instead of nuanced and emotional.

There's been a lot of fun over the years, but it's long-past time for it to end. Time to see what the members of this great, talented cast have next.