Monday, October 20, 2014

THAT KIND OF LUXE JUST AIN'T FOR THEM:  At least two San Francisco radio stations have said they won't be playing Lorde's "Royals" until the conclusion of the World Series.


  1. So San Franciscans are saying they will be Royals? I guess I don't understand.

  2. Watts1:03 PM

    Somewhere, the Johns, Flansburgh and Linnell, fear for their Kansas City airplay. (Which one assumes is close to nil anyway.)

  3. They're much more preoccupied with their desire for radio play in Istanbul (not Constantinople).

  4. Genevieve5:16 PM

    During the ALCS, we kept singing "We'll never beat Royals".

  5. Am I the only one who thinks that this whole "Lorde was inspired by an National Geographic picture of George Brett" thing is just some bullshit PR spin doctor invention?

  6. bill.6:25 PM

    Linnell should be fine as he didn't sing about either California or Missouri. Iowa is still pissed about being called a witch, but they don't have a pro sports team. And they're Iowa. [dustbuster noise]

  7. Joseph Finn8:26 PM

    Possibly, but it seems plausible.

  8. Neither one of those stations were giving the song all that many spins, so it's a lot of free publicity for doing next to nothing.

  9. Jordan12:11 PM

    It was like a year and four or five singles ago. I'd be surprised if anyone still had it in steady rotation.

  10. The Pathetic Earthling3:40 PM

    KFOG is my primary FM station and it does play a whole lot of Lorde, although I can't think of when I heard "Royal" most recently
