Sunday, February 27, 2005

NO WORD ON IF SAFFRON'S MAD ABOUT ME: As part of this blog's continuing efforts to become a multi-media conglomerate, and because I finally got around to purchasing a digital camera that actually works this weekend, I'm proud to present a few photos of my walk through part of Christo and Jean-Claude's "The Gates" today--I walked from the park entrance at 59th and 5th over to 67th and Central Park West. These are some representative shots. I'm still not sure if I think it's art, but it's unquestionably a public happening of enormous scope:

Blowin' in the wind. Posted by Hello

Near the exit at Broadway and 67th. Posted by Hello

A view from the chess and checkers hut. Posted by Hello

Another shot from the chess and checkers hut. Posted by Hello

More photoblogging may ensue, now that I've mastered the basics.