Thursday, March 3, 2005

I FOUGHT JUDE LAW: The target of Chris Rock's Oscar night jabs and star of Lemony Snicket's..., Aviator, Closer, Alfie, Sky Captain..., and I Heart Huckabees, to name a few, can take solace not only in Sean Penn's praise, but the fact that he has landed on Vanity Fair's list of the 20 best-dressed people.

And, according to the this story, things are cool between Rock and Penn, so you can cross that off your list of worries.

One last Oscar note, I hope you drank when you saw that tattoo on Best Actor-winner Jamie Foxx's head. It's only a temp, part of his look, along with the closely shaven head, for his next picture, Jarhead, in which he plays a blind, piano-playing, cab-driving, Gulf War marine.