Monday, June 20, 2005

AND MOM SAYS THERE'S NO FUTURE IN THIS POP-BLOGGER RACKET: One Christopher Nelson, aka "Slick McJisman", aka "King" (for long-observed affection for large quantities of King Cobra malted beverages) has scored a six-figure annual salary to blog about The Dukes of Hazzard. Mr. Nelson is a graduate of the St. John's College Great Books Curriculum (Santa Fe Campus) and a shining example of what one can accomplish with a solid liberal arts education. I'm hoping that his diligent scholarship and research will explain how "Cooter" got that particular nickname and how the show's producers got it past the 1970s network censors, but suspect that the "position" (a one-year appointment) is just an attempt to generate buzz the upcoming Dukes movie and/or rationalize casting Jessica Simpson as Daisy therein. Rumors of a parallel position for Herbie 2005, Fully Loaded have gone unconfirmed as of this writing.