THE BREAKUP SONGS: A running theme tonight on the Baby-Hitting show, as Billy Vera, Thelma Houston, Glass Tiger, and Billy Vera all sang familiar songs of love lost. Not quite as good as previous weeks, because the artists just weren't as talented, but still, what else were you going to watch?
Best performance of the night? Billy Vera, two times -- a great voice is a great voice. Worst? Thelma Houston's first dress, which I believe is on its way to Go Fug Yourself as we speak, and Glass Tiger, who, now that they're gone . . . wait, I forget, what was I saying?
Other notes: the role of Greg Kihn was played by Friar's Roast favorite Jeffrey Ross, while the Club Nouveau guy looks an awful lot like former NFLer and Philadelphia sportscaster Vai Sikahema. (And by the way, here's some trivia for you: members of Club Nouveau were the basis of Timex Social Club, which recorded "Rumors". Who knew?)
In other reality-music news, via Althouse, John Stevens is back -- and he's still croonin'.