Friday, June 24, 2005

TIPPING 20% ON THE FIRST DATE, HOWEVER, GETS YOU SOME LOVIN' EVERY TIME: First things first. The makeover results on this week's Social Experiment Brought to You by Ashton Kutcher were actually fairly impressive, with the notable but unsurprising exception of Richard. Madeover Richard = Pre-Madeover Richard. But in jeans. And with a slightly mowed 'fro. Obviously Mindi didn't have a lot to work with, but come on. You can do better than a button-down in the so-very-1995 French Blue. Yaaawn.

Shawn and Chuck both looked pleasantly improved, but the big winner of the night was definitely Bill, who turns out to be affirmatively good-looking. Especially when you saw him without that "VP of the Dukes of Hazzard Fan Club" caption. Who knew? Even Mr. Cosmopolitan thought he looked kinda cute.

To the extent that the point of the phone number challenge was supposed to be to use the newly minted suaveosity to coax women into handing over their digits, Chuck's "I am gay and thus harmless" was a screaming failure. Yes, he won the challenge and all that, but to the extent that this episode of Beauty and the Geek teaches clueless men that masquerading as a gay screenwriter is a surefire means of finding love -- well, there's gonna be a whole lot of geeky guys with hastily applied chunky blonde highlights proclaiming homosexuality to the world.