Sunday, October 16, 2005

THE FINAL COUNTDOWN: Combining the WXPN album countdown through #11, Who's Next with this helpful list from commenter Adam C. reveals the following ten albums as our likely final ten:
  • The Beatles, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, Abbey Road, Revolver, Rubber Soul, The White Album
  • Bob Dylan, Blood on the Tracks
  • Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, Born to Run
  • The Clash, London Calling
  • U2, The Joshua Tree
  • Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon

Anyone care to produce a predicted final list? Anyone want to line up behind Bob and decry the all-male, and, other than Clarence Clemons, all-white nature of said Top Ten?

And all but the U2 album are at least 25 years old, and even the U2's not that old. So what we've got is a Classic Rock list from a station that is not really thought of as one, but, I guess, that's why they call these albums classic . . .

edited to add: I've set up an Instant Runoff Voting booth via this link for us all to rank and ultimate determine the best of the top thirty-two (that's the site's limit) from the WXPN list -- only, okay, I used executive privilege on a few albums to replace things like Counting Crows with Purple Rain. Go. Vote. Now. Rank 'em all.