NO DOUBT SPICE WORLD WAS NO. 51: I've been a little busy doing actual for-profit list-making (in this case a list of the 50 worst moments in Chicago White Sox history since their last World Series victory), but wanted to point out that I added a few new links to the side over there you should be checking out and also to mention that Mike Leigh's Naked has been picked as the greatest London film of all time, topping a list of the 50 best movies made in and about the Seat of the Her Majesty's Empire that appears in this week's Time Out UK.
Also, I've got Tivo backlog like you wouldn't beleive, but I want to put my plug in for the American version of The Office on the Must-Flee network. The first episode of the season, which revolved around the annual recognition awards ceremony, the Dundies, was the funniest episode I've seen of a show this side of Arrested Development, since the salad days of The Simpsons.