REJECTED TITLE--BRIAN, WHAT IS WITH HIM? Having now watched both episodes of What About Brian that aired this week, I can say that it follows in the steps of a minor pattern J.J. has established--Alias is "what if Felicity were a spy?" and What About Brian is "what if Felicity had actually gone to med school and left college single?" Successful pediatrician Marjorie, Sarah Lancaster (best known for playing Madison on Everwood, and, before that, for Saved By The Bell: The New Class) is torn between two people--creative n'er do well Ben...I mean Brian (Barry Watson) and slightly uptight lawyer Noe... I mean Adam (Matthew Davis). This is complicated because Majorie is engaged to Adam, who's Brian's best friend. Brian's sister and her limited English-fluent husband, and Brian's business partner and his hot blonde wife make up the remainder of the circle of friends. The problem (much like How I Met Your Mother) is two-fold. First, the title character in both is an utter bore, while the supporting characters are far more entertaining. Second, the relationship you're rooting for and emotionally invested in from the pilot (Ted-Robin, Marjorie-Brian) is plainly ultimately doomed.
That said, the writing is reasonably sharp, the acting above-average, and given that your other options on Mondays at 10 are CSI: Caruso's Sunglasses and Patricia Arquette Sees Dead People, it's worth checking out.