SOME OF THESE CHARACTERS MAY BE TOAST EVEN BEFORE THE INTRODUCTION OF HEIDI KLUM THE CAT: After last night's Gilmore Girls, I have to confess that I am increasingly skeptical about the creators' vision for this season. To be more specific -- what have they done to Lorelai?
Let me first state that I have no problem with how Rory has been written, which I know has been a hot button topic for others. She's 21 years old. No matter how smart, grounded, and astute she is, the notion that she's too smart to get herself involved in a perhaps-less-than-well-advised relationship is just silly. 21 year old girls typically do not make savvy relationship decisions. (And I'm a Logan fan in any event -- I think he's a great character and exactly the right sort of character for Rory to have taken up with given the central conflict of the show.)
But Lorelai? She has let Luke walk all over her, repeatedly and with dirty shoes, on this daughter issue. She has agreed to be banished from the diner whenever April is around. She didn't let Luke have it when he made clear that the reason he wasn't letting her get involved with April was because he was afraid April would like her better. And now it looks like Lorelai thinks Luke was right all along -- because April's mother has her own (albeit previously uncommunicated to Luke) reasons to keep Lorelai away. Lorelai has more self-esteem than this -- at least, that's the way she was written prior to this season. This is just embarrassing -- much more so, in my view, than the drunken speech she gave at Lane's wedding last week.
Edited to add: Hm. Apparently David Rosenthal (the new guy / Klum playwright) wrote last night's episode. Hm.