YOU GOT FOGALED: Episode two of The Amazing National Treasure Code Chase Thingy was decidedly better than the pilot, if only because we're used to this sort of task-drive-task-drive-etc. pattern for a show. Still, with a final clue that hard, I'd like to be able to play along at home, y'know?
But still, a frustrating episode: because TAR's producers would have known how to wring out all the drama from that final three, and tonight fell short in that regard. Because I'm sick of stereotypical casting in reality competitions: African Americans who just all coincidentally happen to have problems with water-based challenges, "earthy" types who just happen to be really dumb (but, seriously, pay Burger King for the product placement!), "smart" people who aren't as smart as they think they are, etc.
Also, obvs, it seems like tonight's results aren't exactly final, if the previews for next week are to be believed. I call shenanigans.