Thursday, August 10, 2006

I AM, I AM, I AM SUPERMAN: As TPE has previously observed, Sci-Fi's "Who Wants to Be A Superhero?" is astoundingly fun. Sure, I'm not a huge fan of some of the "Fear Factor"-esque challenges (walking on a balance beam across a high chasm, making the way across a yard with a pair of attack dogs), and either this is the best edited reality show ever or it's highly scripted. Sure, the special effects are incredibly cheesy, but that's all part of the charm. I think my favorites are Monkey Woman, for her sheer tenacity, fighting off attack dogs for nine minutes, and Major Victory, who looks like a classical superhero, even with the cheesy catchphrase--"Be a winner, not a weiner!" (prounced like the sausage, not the name). While I prefer my cheesesteaks with provolone, sometimes, you want the TV equivalent of Cheez Whiz, and this delivers that in spades.