THERE IS SERIOUS HIGH FASHION GOING ON HERE, AND I MADE A TINKERTOY: Finally, the Michael Knight-centric episode of Project Runway we've been waiting for -- or, as we'll be calling him from now on, Captain Save-A-Ho -- and while I was not a fan of the topsy-turvy models-pick-the-designers thing, the fashion icon thing was a treat. (Hasn't Model run a challenge like that a few times?)
Alison, Laura and Uli are so safe right now that they barely appeared in the episode in which we found out who still wears short shorts, that Angela may have taste after all, and that for those who can't associate Cher with the name Bob Mackie, well, it could be bang bang, you hit the ground . . .
The show has done an exceptional job this season of fleshing out the personalities from all the designers from early on, and it's a great group of really talented people. Seriously, yo, does anyone still miss Malan?