Monday, August 7, 2006

I LOOK AROUND FOR THE FRIENDS THAT I USED TO TURN TO, TO PULL ME THROUGH: Times have been rough these days for Mel Gibson and Joe Lieberman, but the good news is that they've got friends in high places to save them at their moments of peril.

Here's a list of well-known figures. For each, determine whether s/he is supporting Mel Gibson, Joe Lieberman or Lieberman primary rival Ned Lamont in this hour of chaos:
  • Actress/director and Yale Drama School graduate Jodie Foster
  • Actor/director Tim Robbins
  • Tennis legend Andre Agassi
  • Actress/director/former Agassi "companion" Barbra Streisand
  • Wimpy singer-songwriter Jackson Browne
  • Colbert Report star Eleanor Holmes Norton
  • Actor/dancer/singer Patrick Swayze
  • Organic foods magnate Paul Newman
  • Lethal Weapon co-star Danny Glover
Who's supporting the threatened Jew, who's backing the threatener of Jews, and who's behind the second coming of Jefferson Smith? Answers in the comments.