Monday, December 18, 2006

BROUGHT TO YOU BY STOPETTE: During WWTBAM-mania, NBC brought back a heavily retooled revival of 21, so, with Deal or No Deal and 1 vs. 100 both doing boffo ratings, I suppose bringing back What's My Line? was the next logical step. Sadly, instead of a witty panel, we get Penn Jillette and a series of morons on Identity. The problem, of course, is that the show is ridiculously padded. We have 12 "identities" to guess in an hour, and no interplay with any of the "identities," so we must resort to painful padding from Penn and really bad pun lines from the "identities" when they are chosen. The secret of WML was the interplay between the panel members and the panel and the guests (especially the "mystery guests"), and not the guessing game. Also, somehow "Is that your identity?" lacks the ring of "Final answer?" Will be interesting to see how it does.