Saturday, December 23, 2006

THE LAST POST (FROM ME) OF THE YEAR: On a lark, and in response to Charles Isherwood's rapturous review, I first checked out samples of, and then bought on iTunes, a copy of Striking 12: The New GrooveLily Musical. Sort of a "Ben Folds Five goes musical theatre" experience, Striking 12 is written and performed by GrooveLily, an electric violin/keyboard/drum trio with the help of Rachel Sheinkin (who wrote the book for Spelling Bee), and tells the parallel story of Hans Christian Andersen's "Little Match Girl" and a bitter, overworked, 30-something New Yorker on New Year's Eve and the woman selling "full spectrum holiday lights" who comes to his door. And it's a delight.

For Chrismukkah and New Year's, my gift to you is to check it out. Full versions of several of the songs (I suggest "Last Day of The Year" and "Give The Drummer Some") are available for free at GrooveLily's website and Striking 12 continues to perform live in NYC through New Year's Eve. I'm already on the road (and will likely have very limited access to the web till after the New Year), so have missed it for the year, but will try next year. For those of you who might still be in the fair city, check it out. Merry Chrismukkah and a Happy New Year to all!