Thursday, December 21, 2006

PRAISING WITH A FAINT DAMN? Our ALOTT5MA Award for Best Award Given To ALOTT5MA goes to Dan Rubin of the Philadelphia Inquirer. When asked by Glen Macnow and Big Daddy Graham to list the Ten Best Philly Blogs for their Great Book of Philadelphia Sports Lists, Dan said the following in ranking us #5 among "the ones to read when I'm far away and longing for the sights, sounds, smells, and sweet and sourness of Philadelphia":
Some of the contributors are from other cities, but most are from here, a group of over-educated wiseasses devoted to such popular cultural confections as American Idol and Lost. A recent post: "Weezer's abstemious Rivers Cuomo is back at Harvard."
Also making the cut are Philadelphia Will Do, WXPN program director Bruce Warren's music blog, PhillyFuture's "PhillyWire" and at #1, the ultra-deserving Attytood, from the Daily News' unstoppable Will Bunch, and we are honored to be listed in their presence.