Sunday, March 25, 2007

ANDRAE? WHERE'S ANDRAE?, OR I'M RACING, BUT I DON'T WANT TO MELT: Tonight's episode of the Race was a shout-out to the old days, when a team really could gain hours of advantage through airport strategy, while another team finds itself in the familiar position of being, what, about twenty-one hours behind the leaders?

Add to that one of my favorite roadblock types -- the "use a local implement to destroy an object at a distance", and you've got a fun little episode. Sunrise to sunset, follow the bouncing Masai past non-existent thunderstorms (yes, producers, that was b.s., albeit understandable b.s.), and an amazing display of the power of Phil Keoghan's eyebrow, to the Comments. Try not to slip on the vomit.