Sunday, April 29, 2007

ALL THAT ENTRAILS: If last week's Sopranos episode came too close to the Virginia Tech tragedy (for me, but not most), this week's hour instead more closely tracked Leslie Bennetts' much-buzzed new book The Feminine Mistake, about the need for married women to keep working and maintain their own financial security apart from the husbands' income. From Carmella to Marie to Blanca to Dr. Melfi, the women this week all had to deal with the question of whether and how to chart their own lives apart from the Soprano family.

Meanwhile, I have an obvious soft spot for actor Jerry Adler, who plays Hesh Rabkin, but man did he bring it this week. Tony's going downhill, which is bad, but the Muslims are back, which is good (I think) (for the show). And the Ojibwe are back, which is awesome.

e.t.a.: Alan has more, including an explanation of that Twilight Zone allusion, as he observes: "All I knows is that it feels like the giant piano Carmela talked about isn't just hanging over Tony's head, but everyone's."