Wednesday, September 5, 2007

AND A LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD TO HAPPY THE DOG: The Parents TV Council's annual report about what horrible things the networks are airing is always worth looking at. Among the high points:
  • A count of "815 uses of foul language," "677 sexual scenes or spoken sexual references," and "754 instances of violence" in the family hour. (Note, on page 12 of the report, the list of words deemed to be "foul language," including any and all bleeping, and the breakdown by which word was used most often in Table C.)
  • The finding that My Name Is Earl has the most foul language on television.
  • The surprising finding that the CW is, by the PTC's standards, the "cleanest" network (helped by 7th Heaven, their "cleanest" scripted show).
  • Although 24 tops the violence chart for live action shows (it's beaten by The Simpsons), if you're concerned about sexual content? It's A-OK! (Also, Standoff, which, as I recall, was pretty double-entendre ridden, gets "zero sexual content.")
  • Although "verbal references to homosexuality" allegedly constitute "sexual content," TARStars was "sexual content"-free. Huh?
  • How I Met Your Mother is praised for its complete lack of violence. Apparently, slapping someone as hard as you can does not count as "violence." I'm quite sure Barney would disagree.
  • American Idol has "no sexual content or violence." I'm quite certain that those who voted for Haley Scarnato, or fans of the songs Sanjaya "sang" would disagree.