HAVE YOU SEEN HER LATELY? According to the NYT's Virginia Heffernan, Chelsea Handler's late-night show on E! is finally the show that lets her talents shine: "She’s just good, this Handler girl. She’s a writer, above all, so she can turn a joke around fast. She’s also genuinely good looking, and has a way of saying withering things through a smile that works. She makes late-night look pretty easy."
Of interest to some here will be the way Heffernan positions Handler among Joan Rivers' comedic heiresses. "Her style is a friendlier, more workaday version of the haughty self-abasement practiced by Sarah Silverman, another junior Rivers, leavened by the everywoman spirit of Kathy Griffin.... There’s something suspiciously sophisticated about how her jokes line up that suggests the moral austerity of a comic not of Ms. Rivers’s bad-girl school: Tina Fey."