Friday, September 7, 2007

THE POPCULT FANTASY DRAFT: With last night arguably marking the start of the new TV season with "season premieres" of Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader? and Don't Forget The Lyrics, time to note the tough TiVo decisions and moments that make us grateful for cable company provided dual-tuner DVR's this fall:
  • Mondays at 8--How I Met Your Mother v. Chuck. I'll be DVRing both, but Chuck would lose out if I had a single tuner (in part because I'm sure it'll be rerun on Sci-Fi to no end). I'm still undecided if I'll give The Big Bang Theory a shot. Likable cast and hyper-aggressive ad campaign, but buzz is horrible. Maybe I'll give Aliens in America (which has positive buzz) a shot instead.
  • Tuesdays at 9--House v. Reaper. Again, will try both, courtesy of the dual-tuner, but Reaper will have to offer more than cheesecake of Missy Peregrym to stay on the list.
  • Tuesdays at 10--Boston Legal v. L&O: SVU v. Cane. Boston Legal gets a slot, if just because I am a charter member of the Society For Post-Ironic Shatner Appreciation (SPISA). Cane is either going to be really good, or unspeakably bad. Any thoughts?
  • Wednesday at 9--Private Practice v. Criminal Minds v. Bionic Woman v. Gossip Girl. Much as I like Joe Mantegna, "generic Bruckheimer procedural #412" doesn't play for me, which leaves us with Shonda v. Ron Moore v. Josh Schwartz. I think I'll take Shonda and Josh, especially with Bionic rerunning on Sci-Fi.
  • Thursdays at 8-10--Ugly Betty/Grey's v. Survivor: China/CSI v. "Comedy Night Done Right." NBC/ABC win for me, though I'm still undecided about being a late adopter of Betty this season (the pilot left me a little cold, but the bits and pieces I've seen since have had promise).

Any other TV-watching dilemmas you have for the upcoming season, besides "Why god why is Cavemen on the air?"