Friday, February 29, 2008

ACT LIKE YOU'VE BEEN THERE BEFORE: You know the school of thought where certain "classy" players after scoring a TD will just matter-of-factly hand the ball to the ref, rather than jump into the crowd, strike a pose, or, any matter of preconceived celebration? The oft played shot from "No Country For Old Men" of Javier Bardem's character walking through the pharmacy while the car explodes outside on the street seems to me the cinematic equivalent. That shot (about 1:05 in the preview) seems to me to be the iconic one that will be featured in Oscar montages for years to come (you can guess Billy Crystal would have used it for his opening had he been the host this year). I was trying to think of other examples of that kind of shot earlier this week, but couldn't come up with any. And then I saw the latest Iron Man Trailer

(the fan boy in me thinks the movie looks awesome), which ends with a similar shot of Tony Stark firing a missile at a tank and then turning around and casually walking away without turning his head.

So, ALOTT5MAers, my question to you is can you think of other cinematic examples of this shot or have the Coen Brothers started a trend?