ALRIGHT, LIGHTMAN. MAYBE YOU COULD TELL US WHO FIRST SUGGESTED THE IDEA OF REPRODUCTION WITHOUT SEX: Today at the firm, we had a half-day training seminar where a couple of actors come in and tell you a few things about trying to get your story across in the courtroom. Well, I'd been to one of these things before (with a different group) and it was tedious because it was almost all lecture. This one, however, was actually pretty damned good.
I mention this only because today's was not only good, but one of the instructors offered me an unadulterated, in-the-flesh, H! ITG! moment. To wit, while it took a few minutes to place him, I was learning a few things from Alan Blumenfeld, who has done tons of TV bits and, it turns out, had a small part in another film dear to at least one of our co-bloggers.
But I could only place him as the fellow who played the science teacher in WarGames. Now, short of Star Wars and Indiana Jones, WarGames was as much of a touchstone of my grade school and intermediate school years as any movie. So that was pretty damned cool. Fortunately, when I went at the break to confirm that he was in fact that fellow his wife and fellow instructor - also an actress - was good enough to make the necessary joke about asexual reproduction for me.
Anyway, if you happen to be the business of selecting one of these seminars, Act of Communication is worth your patnership's money.