WE DIDN'T HAVE COFFEE. IT WAS CHOCOLATE MILK: As commenter KJ pointed out a few weeks back, The Wire is a show that rewards patience at the beginning of each season with the quickening pace toward the end of the season as everything starts to come together. To me, this was the best episode of the season, for the comedy (McNulty's face during the FBI profiler's report of the serial killer), the continuity (Rawls's "I like a little kinky shit myself," a call-back to the fleeting glimpse of him that we saw in the gay bar some seasons ago), the closure (a sad, smaller-looking Poot, with the bravado poorly masking his pathetic story), and, of course, for the way that all of this season's stories, and many of the loose ends from other seasons, are starting to converge.
Judging from comments the last few times I've posted about this show, it has fewer viewers even here than it should. For the three or four of you who are watching, a comment a couple of questions: First, holy crap, Omar is 47? And second, what exactly happened in that last scene?