HE STILL, APPARENTLY, OWNS THE BEST UMBRELLA: While most of the attention paid to
Bill Carter's overview of the upcoming bidding war over Jay Leno has been to Leno's post-2009 options (ABC, FOX, Sony syndication) now that his show has been promised to Conan O'Brien, I have to issue a warning about one detail, a followup to a red flag
Matt first raised fifty-three weeks ago:
Several executives predicted that NBC would use the months Mr. O’Brien will be off the air to introduce his successor, widely expected to be Jimmy Fallon, the former “Saturday Night Live” cast member. Mr. Fallon is the favorite of Lorne Michaels, the “Saturday Night Live” producer who had success in choosing the unknown Mr. O’Brien in 1993 to succeed Mr. Letterman and who will again be involved in the selection of the new host of “Late Night.”
Everything I said about him
back in January 2003 (same day
I blogged about Joe Millionaire premiere) still stands, and I do still love these quotes I found:
"Jimmy Fallon is going to be gross when he's old, because he'll still be doing that 'awww shucks' cute-boy thing, like Paul McCartney still does. But Paul's rich and can make those faces, being a 20th-Century Beethoven and all. Jimmy's just gonna be icky, like a Monkees reunion tour."
"I believe that there is a special place in hell for people like Jimmy Fallon," says a 24-year-old former record label employee who asked only to be identified as Craig. "A place where pretty-boy comics who get inventive with hair gel crack each other up with 'pull-my-finger' jokes. If there is any justice, Fallon will get a corner suite."
This must be stopped.