Friday, November 14, 2008

BECAUSE WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH PROCEDURALS: ABC announced its midseason schedule this afternoon, and a few surprises and dismaying moments:
  • Pushing Daisies and Dirty Sexy Money are both off the schedule, and will not run beyond 13 episodes this season, though allegedly could be renewed for third seasons (though I wouldn't count on it). Life On Mars is also not on the schedule.
  • Neither Nathan Fillion project Castle nor Cupid made the schedule.
  • Eli Stone stays Tuesday at 10, somewhat to my surprise, though with a weak According to Jim leadin.
  • Wednesday is completely reworked--Scrubs at 8, Mike Judge animated project The Goode Family at 8:30, Lost at 9, and quirky procedural The Unusuals at 10 (Amber Tamblyn, Adam Goldberg, and Harold Perrineau lead the cast).
  • Private Practice moves to right after Grey's, and a massive crossover is planned for sweeps.