Tuesday, November 11, 2008

FOR THE WOMEN: AVOID ANY GUY WHO HAS INSPIRED A CHARACTER IN A BOOK BECAUSE EVEN IF HE'S BEEN WILDLY EXAGGERATED FOR COMEDIC EFFECT THERE WILL COME A TIME WHEN IT WON'T FEEL THAT WAY (UH, PRESENT COMPANY EXCEPTED): From the John Carney who is not a superannuated NFL kicker is this helpful, if New York- and male-centric Guide to Holiday Romance. Surely you have addenda. (Deadspin)

ETA: For equal time, I'm bumping Maret's comment up to the post:
For women nothing sums it up better than this conversation between the always hilarious Miss Alli, Sars, and Regina about 81 Guys: All of them That Guy. Read the comments too.

"Alli: Oh, and he hangs out at Whole Foods with the Four Horsemen of the Capitalist Apocalypse: I Can Taste The Tears Of The Downtrodden In Every Cup Of Starbucks Coffee Guy, Can’t Read Anything Purchased At A Non-Unionized Bookstore Guy, Guy With A Strange Preoccupation With Trash-Talking Pottery Barn, and Guy Who Thinks The Biggest Problem Facing Today’s Progressive Is Browser Compatibility.

Sars: He’s fighting the real enemy.

Alli: By cleaving to Netscape 4.7."