WHEN THE SECOND LIFE ECLIPSES THE FIRST: So if I'm reading this correctly, a couple who got married both in real life and in the virtual world known as Second Life are getting divorced because the real life husband's virtual alter ego was having sex with a virtual prostitute. (Gotta watch out for those virtual STDs, you know.)
I guess if you met your spouse online, you might have heightened sensitivity to the notion that he or she might meet someone else online, but is virtual sex (which gives something of a new twist to Little Sloan and Little Grey, no?) actually a higher crime than just sitting around chatting in a chat room? If I'm reading between the lines correctly, this excuse has "pretext" written all over it (especially because the soon to be ex-Mrs. Second Life has a new World-of-Warcraft-based beau), but maybe I'm wrong. Experts, please enlighten me.