Monday, November 10, 2008

GETTING TO LIKE YOU, GETTING TO HOPE YOU LIKE ME: Callie K's big news last night plus Finch's recent nuptuals remind me that it's been a while since we've had an omnibus "hey! what's going on in your world?" thread. So here it is.

A quick story from last night's Eagles game. So, they have a new system in place at the Linc where if you have a situation in your section which requires some kind of intervention -- which believe it or not can happen at a Philadelphia sports event -- you can text message a number, provide your location and explain the problem. So halfway through the second quarter last night, I employed the system:
Assist Eagles bench. I can't find my offense. Please remove LJ from this area.
To which, five minutes later, they responded:
The GuestAssist service is provided to ensure a safe environment for all guests. Continued misuse of the service may result in your mobile being blocked.
Grr. Some people have no sense of humor. (Or the ability to stop the run.)