A [HOPEFULLY] GIANT [TIME-] SUCKING SOUND: A year and a half or so ago, I perused our blogroll and commenters' listed homepages and reported back on what was going on in our blogger-commenters' lives. Or at least on their blogs. (And I still appreciate Christina's advice on how to crack an egg.) As Adam's what-are-you-up-to post the other day reminded me, I've been meaning to update this for a while, but I'm approximately 70% lazier than I was in February 2007. (That's not true -- I'm just 100% less in a job that I plan to leave.) So, as a companion to Adam's post and a follow-up to mine, I have an idea: you do all the work.
Treat this as an invitation for shameless self-promotion. If you have your own blog, then in the comments, link us to either (a) the post of which you are proudest; or (b) something you've written recently that you think we'd like to read. And if you haven't written something falling into either of those categories, get out of bed and do it already.