TRY, TRY, TRY AND YOU WILL ONLY COME ... TO THIS CONCLUSION: "Songs of the Rat Pack" week presents our Idol finalists with a massive, classic book of songs and -- unlike the chronologically similar "Big Band" week theme -- a wide range of opportunities to rethink and rearrange. Not that everything they've done is in bounds (see Rule #2 on too-fitting exit songs), mind you.
This programming note: Isaac's knee-deep in work, and had time to send in just one suggestion over the transom. We hope we'll have the full use of his talents again soon.
The Lambert
I believe in the possibility of Idol for massive cultural subversion, even though it never really comes to fruition. Still, what could be wrong with a clean-cut crooner like Adam Lambert singing "Love and Marriage"? It's not much of a singer's song -- though I have full faith in his efforts to make it one -- and who could disagree with his explaining that you can't have one without the other? Sonically, what he ought to be going for is what Bono did on "I've Got You Under My Skin". (Adam)
I’m torn between two thoughts for Adam. The first is “That’s Why the Lady is a Tramp,” which I think he’d kill, but which might tread a little too close to that line he hasn’t been treading too closely throughout the competition. The other one is “Rockabye Your Baby (with a Dixie Melody),” which could show a jazzy, bluesy side of Adam that I suspect is in there along with the Mick and the Croony McCroonerson. (If you’ve heard the Mandy Patinkin version, you’ll know there are puh-lenty of high notes for which the wail can be employed.) But please, please, we need some uptempo Adam this week. (Kim)
"One For My Baby" seems well-suited for his laid-back-but-passionate vibe. He's in a zone right now. (Adam)
Laid back but passionate is totally the way to go, I agree. Two songs: “Softly as I Leave You,” done Elvis-style, or even -- hey, guess what? – a stripped-down acoustic version of “Mr. Bojangles." I was listening to a clip of a relatively unorchestrated live performance, and even with the fact that I cannot listen to Sammy Davis Jr. without seeing Billy Crystal in my head, I was surprised by how lyrical and sweet the song could be. And we know how Kris loves a good story song. (Kim)
Hokey Gokey
I jokingly suggested "Ol Man River" to a friend for RDJJ, and he actually thought it could be a show-stopper, assuming he sang it sincerely enough. Beyond that, "You're Nobody 'Til Somebody Loves You" is something he could pull off effortlessly. And even with what I said last night, the truth is this week is his wheelhouse as much as Jamiroquai week would have been for Blake Lewis -- no one's going to fault him for hitting a single up the middle. (Adam)
Are we really trying to come up with creative suggestions for Hokey Mr. Gokey? I almost feel like it’s not worth the brain cells to spend a lot of time thinking of a good idea just so he can hop up on stage and sing “Amore.” In keeping with my double-teamed suggestions this week, Danny might do “Rockabye Your Baby” better than Adam – we know he’s got the bluesy thing well in hand. But why not just be a big hokey ball of cheese and do “New York New York.” (Kim)
Cat Power's cover of "New York New York" (Isaac)
Needs a show-stopper more than anyone else; history tells us that Tamyra Gray is the only contestant to have avoided the bottom three thus far in the competition and still missed making the final three, and we've got three guys in the competition who have been so unthreatened. She needs something unadorned, unflashy and earth-shattering -- listen to Annie Lennox singing "Ev'ry Time We Say Goodbye" and see if that's a start. Message-wise, Sammy Davis Jr's signature "I've Gotta Be Me" works for the show; I understand Ella Fitzgerald has covered it, but can't find it online anywhere. (Adam)
I’m not sure whether this is the week in which Allison can come up with a show-stopper. I agree with Adam as to what Allison needs to accomplish. Two thoughts as to how to get there: first, she needs to heed my prior advice to attend the Tyra Banks School for Aspiring Models and put on a pair of jeans and a black tank top, and pull her hair into a ponytail. Then she needs to sing something quiet but big. How about “Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered”? But here’s another approach: if she wants to take a page from the Kelly Clarkson songbook, a wink-and-a-nod riff on “That’s Why the Lady Is a Tramp” (in a classy lady dress, not her customary trampy garb) could show some much needed personality at a much-needed time. (Of course, I’ve also suggested this one for Adam, but the two of them can duke it out.) (Kim)
I still have very little idea what he does particularly well, other than it's probably seated at a piano rather than standing, which is good for this week. Can he pull off "Some Enchanted Evening"? "Stardust"? (Adam)
Matt’s got to have a big confidence problem going into this week. Sure, he wasn’t in the bottom three last time, but the judges hate him every time he tries to do something remotely interesting. So what’s he supposed to do this week, when the name of the game really is “go out there and do something interesting”? I think he’s supposed to whip out the piano and do a real Matt Giraud last-call-at-the-piano-bar-balls-to-the-wall straight up Sinatra song. “Fly Me to the Moon” is one of the biggest, and I suspect he could do it well. It may not be innovative, but at least they’ll be putting tips in his jar asking him what he’s doing here. (Kim)