Wednesday, August 18, 2010

WE'VE KNOWN HER SINCE ... IN UTERO: Ready to feel old(er), Generation X? Frances Bean Cobain turns 18 today. She matriculates at Bard College next month, where she may indeed be the girl with the most cake.


  1. heathalouise6:23 PM

    I wonder how she feels about the Beloit College mindset list.

  2. isaac_spaceman8:12 PM

    Here's to leaving her the f alone.

  3. lisased9:37 PM

    I am strangely pleased that she made it safely through to adulthood.

  4. Joseph J. Finn10:18 PM

    As I just declared to Christina, here's to her getting the F*&K away from her mother!  Also, Whitney Houston and Bobbi Brown's daughter, who every time I saw her on The Soup had an expression of "I am so out of here when I hit 18."
