Friday, March 11, 2011

AN ADMINISTRATIVE NOTE: I recently discovered that what we thought of as anonymous commenting on this site ... isn't. If you want a post to be untraceable, there's a way to do it (I think), but merely typing in "Anonymous" as your commenting name isn't it.

Here's what I found: even when you don't log in before commenting, it looks like JS-Kit will still associate that identity with comments previously posted from that IP address and, therefore, if you click on that name thereafter to view the details, it'll pull up those previous (and named) comments.

So, what to do if you'd like to post anonymously? Use a proxy server, and if someone can suggest a good one I know it will be appreciated. Look: posting under some consistent name here is the norm, and it's how this community gets built and sustained.  But there remain circumstances in which anonymous commenting is warranted. and I want to ensure we protect your ability to do that as best we can.

[No Grammar Rodeo today; we totally did that on Tuesday, and there's plenty of time to argue about when you should employ the passive voice, and when it should not be used.]