Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I FELT THE EARTH MOVE UNDER MY FEET because stretching out six finalists into 90 minutes by adding three duet numbers in an unexciting genre (The Songs of Carole King) left me so bored that I sensed the earth's rotation while sitting on the couch. Even the show's two best moments -- the Casey/Haley duet and Durbin's davidcookian take on "Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?" -- have to be placed in quotes, because it's so been there, done that at this point.  I agree with Dan that the final James/Jacob duet was a travesty, but that's the only other remarkable thing about a show the leaves me wondering if anything other than habit is keeping me in this until the James/(Someone Country) finals.  So read Ann Powers on Idol, women and contemporary music, and I'll see you in what I expect to be a short comment thread.