Thursday, June 23, 2011

WHO'S PLAYING LOHAN? So--Aaron Sorkin and John Krasinski are teaming up for an HBO miniseries that looks at Hollywood history through the famed Chateau Marmont. It's an interesting place for Krasinski to try and go, given that he's had trouble finding something that has worked for him beyond Jim Halpert.


  1. Andrea5:17 PM

    Well I kinda like those New Era ads....

  2. I wonder if this will eventually be available on Netflix or if I'm going to have to cave and get HBO again. I canceled it a couple years ago when I realized all I was really watching was Entourage and the occasional movie. But now this. Hmm. And isn't Sorkin's new show an HBO project? 

  3. Wait: are we saying that Krasinski wasn't the best thing in Dreamgirls?

  4. Leslie8:50 PM

    He was the best thing in "Something Borrowed."

  5. Steph9:06 AM

    Erin, yes, you're going to have to cave. HBO has got us all by the balls. 

  6. Anonymous6:05 PM

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