Monday, September 26, 2011

NOT YET PREPARED TO CALL IT UNNECESSARY, BUT CERTAINLY NOT A NECESSARY REMAKE:  Michael Lewis to adapt his own Liar's Poker for the big screen, because who wouldn't want to see a movie about bond traders set at a firm which no longer exists?


  1. I don't know--I could actually see this working, though there's an interesting question about whether it's a period piece or updated to be set either during the leadup to the financial crisis or post-crisis.  nd looking at recent casting from the directors, easy enough to imagine Ryan Gosling as the slick guy who's a king of the universe and Emma Stone as the girl who brings Lewis back to a moral center.

  2. Benner10:32 AM

    Uh, people watched Boiler Room, and they were equities salesman at a firm that "never" existed.

  3. I'm really happy that "Moneyball" has gotten the good reviews that it has, having been so worried that it would be horrible. It certainly doesn't lend itself to film adaptation. "Liars Poker," on the other hand, does seem quite adaptable to film. It reads much more like a fictional story than does Moneyball, and there's more material that can me made broad in there.

  4. Travis2:50 PM

    Boiler Room first came to mind, and I watched Wall Street:Transformers edition last night... so yes, people will watch movies in which most of the dialog goes over their heads (margins/dirivitives/what does&does not constitute insider trading, etc) so long as you show the cool toys and expensive pads that the brokers spend their money on.
