YOU KNOW NOTHING, THOMAS KELLER: What do we like around here? Fannish devotion. Culinary challenges. And, of late anyway, George R. R. Martin. So I point you to The Inn at the Crossroads an ongoing effort to cook the way through the many dishes mentioned in a Song of Ice and Fire. A few of these recipes look pretty good, but most impressive is the list of stuff they can't -- or won't -- make:
- Roast swan stuffed with mushrooms and oysters
- Roast herons
- A great wedding pie with a hundred live doves baked within to fly out when the crust is broken
- Unborn puppies and honeyed dormice
I once ate horse proscuitto, which was pretty good. So I was disappointed to see no recipe for horse jerky or, you know, the still-beating heart of a stallion.