Monday, June 24, 2013

ANIMAL LAWYER STYLE: So, In-N-Out Burger sent a cease & desist letter to a trendy restaurant in Houston, complaining that their use of "Double-Double" as a hamburger name infringed on In -N-Out's marks.  The response?  You can now order a "Cease & Desist Burger."


  1. They have several registrations for DOUBLE DOUBLE, including one for "A sandwich, namely, a burger the
    principal ingredients of which are two meat patties and two slices of
    cheese". It's a decent claim, particularly since a couple of the registrations are incontestable.

  2. CEASE & DESIST COLLECTION is registered for clothing and skateboards, and there's a pending application for OL' RED CEASE & DESIST for beer. I suspect an application for CEASE AND DESIST for food would be accepted. (For legal services, likely a tougher sell--probably descriptive.)
