Tuesday, May 20, 2003

"CAN'T REPEAT THE PAST?" HE CRIED INCREDULOUSLY: "Why, of course you can!" said Jay Gatsby.

His words are proven true again by this article, which announces that noted thespians Lance Bass (of N'Sync fame) and Paris Hilton (best known for playing Herself, in Zoolander) are teaming up to film a remake of The Great Gatsby.

What -- was Mira Sorvino previously booked? What do you mean she's already done Gatsby?

(Look, not like the 1974 version was so great. Of that film, one reviewer wrote: "John Huston once said that 90% of directing is casting. "The Great Gatsby" seems determined to prove the point by mis-casting every possible role. For example, Gatsby, if you haven't read the book, is a man of mystery with a really hard edge. Rumors and speculation abound about his gangster connections, and possibly dark past. To do it right, you'd need to find a face the audience has never seen before. Think a young Sean Connery, with Robert DeNiro's intensity. Here? They cast Robert Redford. That's like casting Kevin Costner as Robin Hood.")

All we can do is we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past . . .

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