Tuesday, March 21, 2006

"ELLEN, YOU KNOW, I'M ASIAN:" I finally got around to watching Monday's Nightline segment on Grey's Anatomy, and it's really refreshing to see how well the cast gets along off-camera. The key point of the segment and one of things that I find so refreshing about the show is the way it has a multi-cultural cast without beating us over the head with that fact and being "about race." Also fascinating was that the pilot script was revolutionary in that it, in the first draft, did not provide any racial or otherwise identifying details for the characters. A nice segment that I hope will make its way onto the extras segment of the Season 2 DVD's, and which should turn up on the Nightline website soon. (And is it just me, or does the new Nightline format, with a bunch of short segments, not feel like Nightline at all?)