Monday, March 20, 2006

LET'S HOPE SHE LIVES TO GENTLY STALK ANOTHER DAY: Lots of fun stuff in a Grey's Anatomy episode with lots (but not a cluster) of dead people. Alex's "I have been bitterly rejected and thus must smack you around, little man" diatribe. George's efforts to stalk Christina into relinquishing the cap. Izzie's "I grew up in a trailer park and will kick your Beverly Hills ass" smackdown. Addison and several gallons of Swiss Miss. The revelation of additional layers of the always-intriguing Ellis-Richard backstory. And, of course, the little tics that make all of us obsessive-compulsive in some manner or another, not just the guy who needs to flip the light switch 96 times. Something for everyone in last night's episode, regardless of who your preferred characters are.