Tuesday, October 10, 2006

TWO HIMYM POSTS IN A SINGLE DAY? IT'S GONNA BE LEGENDARY! In re HIMYM: I've noticed that the individual characters tend to get a lot of love from the fans, and rightly so. But to me, the most compelling aspect of the show is the array of narrative structures and devices the show employs. Last week we had the multiple-threads-of-the-same-story concept (complete with silent film titles for each segment), this week it was the slightly-predictable-but-still-fun use of non-core characters to detail the exploits of "Ted Mosby, Architect." Then there's the often-hilarious pauses for Bob Saget's expository voiceovers, the revelation of Barney's backstory, and so on and so forth. All the backwardsing and forwardsing through time and point-of-view is really very clever (remember "The Pineapple Incident"?), and it separates HIMYM from most of the other cute Friends-y sitcoms that have come and gone over the years.

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