Monday, May 24, 2010

WHO IS A REGULAR READER OF THIS SITE? Tuesday night, and hopefully thereafter, frequent commenter Amy Watts will be appearing on Jeopardy!. You can see her in this week's preview here.


  1. Maddy7:15 PM

    Woo!  That's awesome!  Watching for sure.

  2. Renee8:14 PM

    Squee!  DVR is set and my fingers are crossed for Amy (even though she already knows how she did.)

  3. Lou W8:55 PM

    Good luck, I hope your taping(s) went well!  I'm still bummed that when my wife was on Jeopardy she got run over by a combination of a 5-time champion and a horrible catagory list.  Unfortunately, it pretty much ruined her enjoyment of Jeopardy, even though her family and friends were all really proud of her.  Yikes, sorry for the downer, just needed to get that off my chest I guess.

  4. Does the show stream anywhere, because I'm out of town, neglected to set my DVR, and have a dinner tomorrow night that will prevent me from watching.

  5. Matt, I am stunned that you don't have an Internet-ready TiVo.

  6. I used to, when i had a TiVo, but I now use the cable company's DVR, which doesn't offer that functionality. I wish I could go to TiVo again, but would need a new HD box, and the cable company makes it crazy hard and expensive to do it, especially if you want dual tuner capability.

  7. I will say this much as a teaser.... tomorrow's episode has a category at which I'm sure many Thing Throwers will do very well.  

  8. So cool!  Setting the DVR!

    If you got stuck, I hope you used the standard "Who are three people who have never been in my kitchen" response. That should be worth a few bucks at least!  (And the link:

  9. I'm thinking about livetweeting tomorrow's ep, but I'm not sure if that's overkill.  Or if I'll be sober enough.  <grin></grin>

  10. GO WATTS GO!!! 

  11. Yay! Watts!!!

  12. spacewoman12:04 AM

    Awesome!  Can't wait to watch!!  Can I still say good luck?

  13. Maggie12:52 AM

    Can't wait to watch - hope it's good luck by osmosis (or some other process) - I got an invite to the auditions in DC on Friday. 

  14. Adam C.2:18 AM

    Very cool.  Go Watts! 

  15. Katie6:36 AM

    my overnight work retreat is very poorly timed!
    first i miss the idol finale
    (granted, that has turned out to be not such an issue)
    but now a thing thrower showing off her big brain for cash!

    very excited for you watts!
    and jealous too :)

  16. kevbo nobo7:18 AM

    Holy Flarking Snit!  Another Pop-Cult Obsessive (and a librarian! so cool,) let loose apon the TV!  I hope you gave 'em heck!

  17. Go Watts!!

  18. I actually have my Jeopardy audition on Wednesday and am incredibly nervous (why do I have to take a second test???)...hope you did awesome, Watts!

  19. Jim Bell9:36 AM

    Cool stuff.  Hope you did well.  What is Alex really like, other than Canadian?

  20. patricia9:47 AM

    So cool!!  Good luck, Watts!

  21. Marsha10:00 AM

    Barb, I just did mine a few weeks ago - don't be nervous! It was fun and they're very nice. Just smile big, listen to their instructions, and be ready to talk about your "5 interesting things," because they'll ask during the mock game.

  22. Marsha10:01 AM

    Woohoo! I TiVo it daily, but I have already got time carved out to watch you as soon as I get home tonight! Hope you did fantastically well!!!!

  23. Crossing my fingers for you Maggie!  It's a lot of fun!

  24. Stone cold fox.

  25. Seriously, the "Talk to Alex" part is the most nerve-wracking.  The questions?  Bah.  If you're smart enough to get to the audition, you know most of the questions.  But I clammed up both auditions at the talk to Alex part.  The more recent time they asked me, "What would you do if you won the big  money?"  Well, I was the first person in my audition room to do the mock-talk-to-Alex part.  And I said I'd open a movie theater and we chit chatted about that.  Then the guy after me says, "Well, I'd take out a globe and let my TERMINALLY ILL best friend choose where we'd go first."  I felt like Asshat #1.

  26. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Matt, it doesn't stream, but I'm TiVoing it and could burn it to disc for you.  (Good thing my TiVo already gets Jeopardy!, because I'll be at a Little League game and didn't see this announcement till this morning.)

  27. bristlesage10:18 AM

    Amy, this is Nancy Williams.  That was...I felt really bad for you! 

    The "Talk to Alex" part is totally the worst, agreed.

  28. Genevieve10:18 AM

    That was me, Matt.

  29. Genevieve10:20 AM

    GO WATTS GO!!  Yahoo!
    Very excited to watch tonight, and would love to read live tweets (here?).  If you want to post on the Jeopardy! boards afterwards, posters love that and no amount of detail would be overkill there.

  30. Genevieve10:21 AM

    Yay Maggie!  Have a terrific time - it's a really fun experience.

  31. Genevieve10:22 AM

    Oh, and wearing something a little noticeable is good - a bright color or whatever you have that you feel comfortable in and would be different from a crowd of dark suits.  Helps you stand out a little.

  32. Genevieve10:24 AM

    <span>Just have a great time at it, Barb!  The second test is just so they know it was actually you, not someone else, taking the online test -- the exact score you get almost certainly doesn't matter, they just want to know that your score isn't wildly divergent from your online score).  Don't be nervous, you're already in score-wise.  
    Speak up, have fun playing the mock game and be ready to choose a category and amount right after you get an answer right (in other words, don't hem and haw and think about it for a couple minutes) - it doesn't matter how you do in the mock game in terms of getting things right, just that you look like you know how to play the game.  It's a lot of fun to get to play the mock game, just enjoy it!   
    And what Marsha said about the "5 interesting things" - if you can write them down in terms of a short, pithy, interesting intro, that'll help - remember that on the show, Alex would say the intro, then you'd briefly tell the anecdote.  (I spent a long time getting my "interesting things" right and paring them down - the two they used were "Some of my best legal training was being the mother of a preschooler" and "I gave a simultaneous translation from a language I don't speak.") </span>

  33. Devin McCullen10:29 AM

    Can't wait to watch!

  34. Heather K10:29 AM

    YAY!!  Having the fiancee remote tivo it for me this morning.  Forgot to do it last night.

  35. Go Watts!  Would love to hear afterwards details about your experience.

  36. Woo-hoo, Watts!  I wish that I'd checked ALOTT5MA before I left for work---no way that I'll get the DVR set in time.

  37. Andrew11:28 AM

    Set to TiVo! Hopefully will have time to watch...

  38. Thanks so much all! You've definitely helped. :)

  39. lauri1:46 PM

    tivo is set.  go watts!

  40. Christy in Philly1:49 PM

    I tivo daily as well-- wow, there are a lot of nerds who read this blog!

    Can't wait to watch.

  41. calliekl3:46 PM

    OMG that's so cool!!! Go Watts!!!

  42. Watts3:52 PM

    Adam's graciously offered to let me guest post later tonight.  Look for it!

  43. Sheila8:19 PM

    <span>Just watched...SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED YET... sorry you didn't win but you definitely came across as a smart person! I always thought that would be the most important thing if I were on Jeopardy - just don't look like an idiot! :) Seemed like you got beat by some faster clickers is all. As soon as I saw the Caldecot clue I was all, "Oh! A library one! She'll totally get this! ...aarghh, beat out by the other dude." Hope you had a great time!</span>
