Thursday, August 5, 2010

I ONCE WAS BLIND, BUT NOW I SEE: Look, I'm all for the fun of guessing blind items in gossip pages, but if you're going to write a blind item, at least go to the trouble of making it a little bit blind. (The ones about "which member of the cast of The Expendibles went on a massive bender" and "who's Keith Urban having an affair with?" are at least semi-blind.)


  1. isaac_spaceman11:03 AM

    You shouldn't reward blind items.  How many of them are complete bullshit, either I-heard-from-somebody-at-a-party-who-knows-this-guy's-assistant's-roommate or even just made up?  95%?  I always wonder whether their real target audience is the stars themselves, so that the blind item becomes punishment for the star not cooperating in the gossipist's bullshit game.  Of all of the thousands of things that made Defamer unreadable after Lisanti left, the reliance on a diet of 40% blind item roundups is the worst. 

  2. D'Arcy11:15 AM

    Umm, I'll take blatantly obvious for $200, Alex. 

  3. Meghan11:26 AM

    Well, sure, Isaac, what you say is true.  But how is that fun?

    A better blind item would have been: Which top reality contest wanted to fire one judge last year and is looking to fire another this year?

    Everyone still would have guessed AI but at least it isn't quite as blatant.  Randy's manager is suddenly much busier today.

  4. Geez, I don't pay attention to this stuff and even I could figure out they're talking about the Supreme Court.

  5. D'Arcy1:21 PM

    Now, who *is* Keith Urban having an affair with?

  6. isaac_spaceman1:44 PM

    I don't think it's fun.  I am 100% committed to the principle that celebrities should not be treated better than normal people.  I am also 100% committed to the principle that they should not be treated worse either.  This stuff is malicious.  It would be unbearable if it were about us.

  7. Meghan2:35 PM

    I feel properly chastised.  No wonder the Spaceboys are good kids.
