Wednesday, December 1, 2010

PLEASE GO ON. REGALE ME WITH A STORY, WOMAN:  Oh, Survivor.  No, we've never quite seen that before.

Well, okay, we've seen it five times before,** but not quite like this -- a double-quit outside of Tribal Council.  (There was no immunity competition, so if they both stayed in the game there would still need to be one.  That they held this gathering 45 minutes into the show told you that at least one of them was quitting.)

So here's my questions: are Naonka and Purple Kelly still on the jury?  (Janu was after she quit.)  And was the product placement the worst in show history, or does Sandra's love of Australian-themed casual dining steakhouse food still trump it?

** Ian didn't quit.  He left an extraordinary immunity challenge with the expectation that he'd be voted out, but no guarantee.  Jenna and Sue each had totally legitimate excuses, but, yeah, they count.  And Osten's a wuss.


  1. isaac_spaceman mobile10:13 PM

    A question to those in the know:  would or would not TJ Lavin's hatred of quitters kick Jeff Probst's hatred of quitters' ass? 

  2. Maggie10:18 PM

    I think TJ's hatred of quitters easily trumps Probst's faux outrage.

  3. bella wilfer1:26 PM

    TJ hates quitters more than Probst, but it's close. I do think Probst genuinely hates quitters, but he doesn't take it as personally as TJ seems to. (Do we have a TJ health-watch update BTW?)

    As for the jury question, the answer is yes (and Probst blogs about it at - since they set the precedent with Janu, they thought fans would cry foul if they didn't keep NaOnka and Purple Kelly on.  Probst makes a whole argument about how people who had alliances with NaOnka and PK would be negatively affected in a vote if they weren't kept, though considering how those two are likely to vote (NaOnka: probably whoever kisses her butt the most, Purple Kelly: honestly, I could see her writing down the name of someone who never even played just b/c she got confused) it doesn't seem to relate to any alliances.

    I hate how weak this season is.  The only one worth rooting for anymore is Holly, and maybe Fabio.  Jane creeps me out too much to be likable.

  4. bella wilfer1:27 PM

    PS - does Purple Kelly remind anyone else of a real-life Brittany from Glee? A few of her lines last night were almost Heather Morris-worthy.

  5. TJ is home and is apparently doing well in his recovery.  Everything I've read said that he will be back on the Challenge, although he will likely take a season off.

  6. bella wilfer6:55 PM

