Thursday, April 21, 2011

#69. WE WOULD HAVE WATCHED 'MILF ISLAND': In honor of tonight's 100th episode, 100 things to love about 30 Rock.


  1. GARKLE!

    Go ahead with your own life, leave me alone ....

  2. Joseph J. Finn12:49 AM

    #34, thank you.  (My favorite Lorne Michael joke in the show, by the way)

    To all these, I would just add how delighted I've always been to see the poster in Tracy's dressing room for "Who Dat Ninja?", a movie that I can't believe they somehow seem to have never done a fake clip from?  Somehow, that poster is the perfect little bit of backstory for Jordan.

    (Someone in the comments there also had in one of my favorites; the tense, slightly weird meeting between Conan and Liz.)
