Sunday, July 30, 2006

IT'S HIS SHOW, I TAKE MY ORDERS FROM HIM: Because of our policy of not providing links to questionable copyright situations, I won't provide the link, but there are ways of finding the pilot to Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip on the web, and, yes, it's as good as you'd hoped, with directorial choices and editing that enhanced the already excellent script. The true surprise is just how effective Steven Weber is playing a dangerous bad-ass in a suit. You also have to give them credit for casting--Judd Hirsch may well get an Emmy next year as guest actor, Broadway diva Donna Murphy looks like she will have a recurring role, and young actress Merrit Weaver is memorable as what appears to be one of Sorkin's eternally popular tertiary characters. I'm looking forward to watching it on a real TV, where I'll be better able to appreciate Tommy Schlamme's exquisite Steadicam work.