Tuesday, August 1, 2006

THAT'S ME IN THE SPOTLIGHT: Solid week again on RockStar: Apparently, It's Cheaper To License Nirvana Songs In Bulk, with Ryan delivering the kind of performance on "Losing My Religion" on grand piano that makes you want to thank Philo T. Farnsworth again for inventing television. It was that good, and I will be sure to throw up the YouTube link when available. (I think I was alone in digging his "Fortunate Son", but the boy can bring the intense.)

The rest played mostly according to form: Dilana (doing Bad Company this week, of all things) would win this contest if it ended today, with only Storm ("Changes") consistently matching her level of theatricality and performance (and in possession of the most expressive eyes I've seen on a singer in some time). Among the guys, Magni was solid ("Clocks") but Lukas really disappointing with his back-to-the-crowd read of "Celebrity Skin".

Back of the pack -- Zayra ("867-5309") should be kept around only for trainwreck value, and Patrice, Josh and Jill need to go home, because they're just not winning this thing. Which leaves Dana (i.e., McPhee's nutty cousin) and Toby, who can fake it just fine, but aren't really rawkers that can front this band.

(Note to Toby: "Pennyroyal Tea" is a song about an abortifacient, written as a metaphor for Cobain's own heroin addiction. "I'm a liar and a thief"/"I'm anemic royalty" is not a love song for the girls in the front row.)

Overall, this is a much more fun show than Idol was this season, and I hope y'all are tuning in. Edited to add that Alan Sepinwall tuned in as well.